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Retirement Benefits

Most MAPSA member-schools and the MAPSA Secretariat Office are participating employers of the MAPSA Retirement Plan. However, MAPSA member schools who enrolled in another retirement plan prior to the operation of the MAPSA Retirement Plan may maintain such prior plan if such is to the greater benefit of their employees.

There are three instances when membership of a participating employer is terminated:

  1. When it willfully ceases to pay the contributions due to the fund.
  2. When it voluntarily withdraws due to adverse factors.
  3. When the plan itself ceases to become operative in which case the Fund shall be allocated and distributed accordingly to all bonafide members.

In case of voluntary withdrawal from the plan, the participating employer shall write a notice of termination to the MAPSA Retirement Board whereby the withdrawal shall become effective fifteen (15) days after the termination has been approved by the Retirement Board.

The plan provides for retirement, separation and death benefits, and salary loan under the corresponding rules of the plan.

A. Retirement Benefits

A member may be retired upon reaching the age of 60 or after 20 years of continuous service with the participating employer.

When retired, the member is entitled to 100% of the amount of contributions credited to his/her account plus corresponding interest earned .

B. Separation Benefits

A member who has been enrolled in the Plan for a minimum of five years and resigns from the service for a good cause is given a certain stipulated percentage of the contributions paid into his\her account by his\her employer ; he/she will be paid the full amount of the contributions he/she has made into the Fund plus interest earnings, irrespective of reason(s) for separation and number of years in service.

C. Death / Disability Benefits

In case of death, 100% of the amount to the credit of the deceased member shall be paid to the beneficiary/ies designated in her/his ENROLLMENT FORM.

A member who is separated due to permanent total incapacity, as determined by a doctor, is also entitled to 100% of the amount credited to him/her.